About the site

What is this site about?

It happens often that you have an idea but you cannot make it happen, for one reason or another. You don't know what to do or how to do it, or it's all just too much to do for one person. So, what do you do next?

Abandon it? Or do do something about it anyway?

In the software development community, there has been an "open source" movement for quite some time now. What it means is this - you start a project and you open it to other people to contribute, with an open "source" (program code) which everyone can use, alter or expand. As the project grows, it is managed by the community of contributors and not by the initiator/s. This approach has allowed many great software projects to be developed, the best know of which is Linux - an operating system running most of the internet, on which the operating systems running most mobile devices is also based.

So, if this works for software, why not for everything else? The idea of this site is to allow you to "open source" everything you dream of doing - from a local village co-op to developing an airship or terraforming Mars...

This page will explain:

  • how to use this site to run a project
  • how to run a project in general
  • how to get people from other projects cooperate with you

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